Extracciones dentales

Qué esperar después de la cirugía

En la mayoría de los casos, el período de recuperación dura solo unos pocos días. Lo siguiente ayudará a acelerar la recuperación:

Tome los medicamentos según lo prescrito por su dentista.
Mantenga la gasa en la boca con presión durante una hora después de la cirugía.
Asegúrese de tragar y no escupir.
Si sigue sangrando después de la hora en que retiró la gasa, simplemente agregue otra gasa y déjela por una hora más.
Relájese después de la cirugía. La actividad física puede aumentar el sangrado.
Coma alimentos blandos, como gelatina, budín o una sopa ligera. Agregue gradualmente alimentos sólidos a su dieta a medida que
la curación progresa.
No te acuestes. Esto puede prolongar el sangrado. Apoye su cabeza con almohadas.
Evite frotar el área con la lengua.
Continúe cepillándose cuidadosamente los dientes y la lengua, permita que el agua fluya suavemente de su boca. No use enjuague bucal durante dos semanas después de la cirugía,
El dentista retirará los puntos de 5 a 7 días después del procedimiento.

Extracción de Múltiples Dientes

When the decision has been made that the remaining teeth are non-salvageable and indicated for extraction in preparation for the transition to a full denture, there are two basic alternatives.  The first one would be to extract the remaining teeth, and wait several weeks or months for the areas to heal before making the denture.  Most people usually don’t choose this option because it means that they will have to function without any teeth during this time.  As you would expect, most patients would find this objectionable, and therefore in most cases, this is not the chosen alternative. The other alternative, which is the far more popular choice is that of an immediate denture.

In many cases, the immediate denture will indeed be the final denture, although in most cases it will require modification several months down the line to accommodate the changes that occur in the shape of the gums and bone during the healing process.  In other cases, the dentist may decide that the best course of action would be to make the immediate denture a temporary denture, and then make  the permanent denture later on after the gums and bone have fully healed.

After the denture is placed, there is a normal settling process that takes place, usually beginning in the first few days after the surgery. This settling of the denture may cause small pressure sores to develop.  Your dentist will see you for regular visits after placement of   the  denture, and the areas where the denture is rubbing excessively are trimmed and smoothed. These sores will heal, but the denture may continue to settle, and new sore spots may develop.  This is normal, and adjustments may be required for up to the first month following placement of the denture.

If you’re in Perth Amboy or surrounding areas, stop by our practice and we will help you out with your multiple teeth extractions. Dr. George Likakis will let you know if you need multiple teeth extractions or not. Give us a call at 732.826.6900 or use our contact form to request a callback.

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